A year in the Supplemental Diaper Program

Saturday, November 18 was another busy and fun day of meeting our neighbors and sharing our diapers with them.  We served 56 families and distributed over 2500 diapers, along with gently used baby clothes, supplies, equipment and a special one time adult clothes distribution from Bridges and Echo church.

We are coming up to our one year anniversary of this program.  God has been faithful in bringing in the donations needed to supply the families He has brought into our fellowship.  We have become closer as a servant team and closer to those in need in our community.  Praise God for allowing us to be His hands and feet!

A touching prayer request came from one of our new moms - her young son 1 ½ months old was sick and she wanted our prayers.  We prayed for healing, strength and comfort for the baby and for this mother and the young mother, smiled through her tears thanking us for our prayers. 

We're in the Christmas season now, and we can't help but remember the vulnerable, fragile, helpless life that came into the world to change it forever.  We know that the lives that we touch with our little program here may be helping a child grow and hopefully know Jesus as well.

FCC leaders and team, thank all the volunteers and donors for supporting this program! 


Gracious Family Extends Hospitality to Volunteers


Church Partners Serving Together