Church Partner Highlight

Pathway Community Church Fremont

As Pathway Community Church was celebrating 50 years of ministry in Fremont in 2009, they asked the question: "How can we let our neighbors know God loves them?" We even wrote a song (apologies to Paul Simon) "50 Ways to Love Your Neighbor." That was great timing as CityServe was reorganizing around the idea of service and impact in the city. The current pastor, Bruce Stryd, was part of CityServe. Christine Beitsch was hired as Compassion Network Director at this same time. She activated many of us.

Pathway immediately started monthly financial support since the CN mission and ministry opportunity fit the Pathway mission perfectly. It was also very exciting to anticipate Jesus followers from many churches working together to serve our community, demonstrating Jesus' love and mercy to all people no matter who they were. To this day, Pathway maintains this priority of financial support for CN.

Pathway's first efforts was to participate in the annual "Make a Difference Day" Compassion Network led for the churches and eventually for the city of Fremont. Pathway was involved with efforts at local schools, Central Park, street clean ups, and other large events. Getting our bodies involved - in addition to giving financial support - was very important to our spiritual growth and our mission. 

Pathway also supported the CN office through various donation efforts, and became fully involved in the Joyful Bounty and Hearty Harvest outreach events. This resulted in additional efforts from Pathway to the community. These included participating with students and other churches for "One Warm Coat", Angel Trees, and other Christmas efforts through Compassion Network and with others.

Perhaps the best impact of Pathway's involvement with CN were the "Rice and Beans" days. Several times a year after worship, the congregation would pack purchased rice and beans into small zip lock bags and fill box after box with the food. The Viola Blythe Center in Newark was in constant need of these emergency food supplies, so Pathway jumped in and made it happen over and over again. Here are a couple of personal stories:

  • A lady came in to Hearty Harvest in 2022 grieving the loss of her niece-in-law’s family in a car accident earlier in the week. She told us what had happened and we prayed with her.

  • We first connected with a mother of three in 2020 when she came to Hearty Harvest. She asked if we could provide some groceries for Christmas as well, and we were able to do so. Then she was signed up again for Hearty Harvest in 2022, but was unable to come in person. We took the groceries to her home and prayed with her - especially for her son who had been shot. He has now left the hospital and is recovering at home. 

Ultimately, Pathway's partnership with Compassion Network helped grow disciples, serve community needs and declare in action God's love for all, and especially those around us.