Church Partner Highlight

Cedars Church

Joyful Bounty 2023

This month, our featured church is Cedars Church in Newark.

Cedars has been active with our Hearty Harvest and Joyful Bounty events for years. Additionally, many volunteers from Cedars are heavily involved with our Supplemental Diaper program.

Cedars was birthed in 2017 from a merge between two other churches. There were some rough times, but for the last year, Cedars has seen incremental growth in numbers, but even more in spiritual fervor. There is a real sense of excitement.

Cedars mission is to LIVE SENT and to LOVE WHERE YOU LIVE. Pastor Tim Ruiz is very encouraged by what he is seeing occur at the church. More people are involved in Missional Communities and are spreading the word about all that is happening at Cedars.